author Martin



  • What is prostatitis and how to get rid of it? There are many different treatments for prostatitis in men. Read the article for details on each of them.
    26 June 2021
  • Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate. The question may arise: why do not many benefit from conventional methods of treating prostatitis? This suggests that treatment should begin with the search for the root cause of the disease.
    27 May 2021
  • How the treatment of prostatitis with pills is done correctly, which of them and in what situations with prostate problems can be taken. The best pills for prostatitis.
    18 April 2021
  • Chronic prostatitis, as you can understand that the prostate is inflamed, treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies, can the prostate inflammation go away, chronic prostatitis can be completely cured.
    5 April 2021
  • What is prostatitis and what forms of the disease are differentiated according to the modern classification. Symptoms of acute and chronic prostatitis, causes of occurrence, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pathology.
    28 March 2021